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COVID Safety Protocols
Having a wedding during a pandemic is far from ideal. We had already pushed it back once and unfortunately could not cancel it or push it back again. However, we feel confident that we can make it as safe as possible while still having fun. There are some key changes that will make this wedding a little different from pre-pandemic wedding in order to keep everybody safe.
1. Masks are to be worn at all times with the only exception being during dinner and when taking a drink. Anytime you leave your seat, your mask should be on.
2. We're asking everyone to stay at their tables as much as possible.
3. In lieu of dancing, we're having trivia! No dancing but we'll be having a trivia night. This is to reduce extra movement and to help expand social distancing.
4. Although we're having a "buffet" style dinner - it will NOT be like a regular buffet. Russo's staff will be excusing tables individually and they will be serving our guests. Almost the style as Qdoba/Subway style. The food will be behind plexi-glass and guests will tell the staff what they want. All guests and servers will be required to wear masks.
5. Hand sanitizer will be available at every table and throughout the venue.
6. Guests will have the option to attend the ceremony only (no dinner) or ceremony & reception both (dinner included).
7. Weather permitting, the ceremony will be outdoors using the McPherson's patio.
8. Tables at the reception will hold between 2-5 people only and will be distanced apart.
9. Check back often in case we add additional information.
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